Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Proverbs 6:25 Eyes

Proverbs 6:25 - Do not desire her beauty in your heart,

and do not let her capture you with her eyelashes;

I've been thinking about that thing with the eyes. Don't worry, this isn't another flirting or flirting revisited post. It's just that I know guys who enjoy receiving that look from girls. And it's funny, because I just read a blog post about modesty that mentioned the above verse. This is what they said about it:

“She captures him with her eyelashes,” luring him with just a look (Proverbs 6:25). And for some of us, that’s all we need…a look…and we got ‘em!

The majority of the post is about dressing modestly, if you're interested here it is.

Anyway, I'm going to let you know a little bit about my heart. A few years ago I found myself giving that "look" to a guy from my church, and I think that he noticed it. Seemed to reciprocate it, too. Not long after the exchange I started to feel bad about it. Well, not bad, maybe just weird. I started thinking to myself "do I like this guy?" I mean, I would probably only ever give that look to a guy I like, right? I started to think back in my dating past; did I give that look to guys before? And I probably did give that look to guys that I liked, but I don't remember it. What I do remember is giving that "look" to a bartender when I wanted a free drink. To a bouncer when I wanted in free or when I wanted him to let me in with a fake ID. And the scary thing is that look worked almost every time. Seriously, some of my girlfriends would just watch in amazement. Most of my girlfriends were just as good at it as I was.

I came to the conclusion that I only gave that look for selfish gain. So I vowed never to give that look again, and to be especially careful with a brother in Christ that I am not in a relationship with.

As I've been studying Proverbs 31, verses 2 and 3 really strike me:

What are you doing my son? What are you doing, son of my womb? What are you doing, son of my vows? Do not give your strength to women, your ways to those who destroy kings.

This is an impassioned plea from a mother to her son (who happens to be a king). She sees the course he is taking with women and with drink, and she is entreating him to stop and think. And change.

I don't want to ever be that woman in earlier chapters of Proverbs and alluded to in Proverbs 31:2-3. I want to be that woman in the Proverbs 31:10-31. I want to be the kind of woman that a Psalm 1 (blessed) man would be interested in. :)


Random, I know. Just felt compelled to share.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Morning by morning/New mercies I see

Morning by morning

New mercies I see

I often start out my prayers thanking God for His new mercies, the ones that come from His endless supply. Asking for the grace to accept them humbly, knowing that I have done nothing to deserve them. This morning I prayed about the same, and was just struck by it so powerfully. The Lord has given me new mercies even this morning. How amazing is it that He has such an endless, rich supply, and every morning He gives them to me? He is not like us (thank goodness), He is not limited as to what He can do for others. He opens up His storehouse and lavishly gives. Every single morning. Without fail. I started to feel like a kid on Christmas morning, you know that moment, right as your about to run to the the tree. Except these gifts are different. They are not toys that will break or clothes that I will grow out of. These gifts are renewed every day, and carry with them the luminous splendor that only a gift straight from God can hold. They are some of the most amazing gifts I will ever receive. Like manna:

Exodus 16

14And when the dew had gone up, there was on the face of the wilderness a fine, flake-like thing, fine as frost on the ground.

31Now the house of Israel called its name manna. It was like coriander seed, white, and the taste of it was like wafers made with honey.

New. Every single morning. Without fail. Without hesitation. Not as a reward, but a free gift. Because He loves me, and loves to provide for me. Because I am His child.

Lamentations 3

21But this I call to mind,
and therefore I have hope:

22The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end;
23they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
24"The LORD is my portion," says my soul,
"therefore I will hope in him."